Sunday, August 30, 2009

Becky's Jeep Gets Lifted

"All Things Are Possible With Dave as Your Friend" - Thanks Dave!

We start the day by laying out all the parts and making sure everything was there. Notice the nice clean workbench? Since we've never done this before, Brad even thought it might be a good idea to.....


It was really nice of Dave to give up his day to help put the lift on. Together, they worked as a team. At times, it was a little confusing.. but overall, it was straight forward - just time consuming.

As with any good Jeep project, there was some custom fabrication involved. In this case.. there was some cutting.

Most good articles show a nice, neat garage with everything well laid out. That's not the real world. In the real world, you get dirty. The Jeep gets dirty. Tools get strung everywhere, and you generally wind up laying on the tools you need.

The job required aligning the parts just right, while keeping the jeep lifted enough so the body could be moved around for final precise alignment.

After much work back and forth, everything lined up and the lift was finally tightened down.

This job was a lot easier with air tools, power tools, and two people!

In the end, it was a job that Mr. Moose the Mastiff approved of. Now, it's time for the tummy tuck, the suspension lift, and the larger tires. But, that's for another time - in the future.

Monday, August 24, 2009

105 lbs!

Moose and I went in for our monthly 'weigh in'. Luckily it's for him, and not me. lol! He is 9 months old today and weighs about 105 lbs. I'm learning that his weight gain is something that I cannot predict. July I would have guessed that he put on 15 lbs but not this month. I guess it has to do with a lot more than just food consumption.

Here are a few pictures from the month of Aug :)

About a month ago Moose was given a healthy supply of band aids. Doesn't ever child.... I mean dog... need band aids??

Me with Moose- He is taller than I am when we are sitting side by side!

And one of Brad and Moose. He just lets us snuggle right up to him. I think that he likes us :)

Friday, August 21, 2009

The Attempted Rescue of Moo Moo Mr. Cow

This morning, Mr. Moose decided to take Moo Moo Mr. Cow out on his morning walk. In his exhuberence, Mr. Moose the Mastiff heaved his big head left and right until.... oops, out popped Mr. Cow.

And, as gravity would have it.... Moo Moo Mr. Cow was swept down into the abyss of the storm drain.

Mr. Moose the Mastiff stood there for several minutes, looking in despair as his favorite toy - and often his companion - was gone. What had happened? He was sad. He was confused. Finally, he turned around to lumber back inside, depressed that his favorite toy was gone.

When Becky came in and told me the story... I asked myself.... "WWMD?" (Translation - "What Would Moose Do?...If it were me")... So, Despite only 3 hours of sleep, I arose from bed, and donned my boots..

Fortunately, I had my crowbar in the car from the previous evening's work... Hmm.. that sounds bad, but I assure you it was all construction related... anyway, back to the story..

So, I finally got the manhole cover off, and peered down into the great abyss.... Could it be?? Despite the storms of last night, was the drain really mostly dry? What is that I see in the bottom of the pit.....

It's MOO MOO MR. COW!!!!

I couldn't believe it. So, I put the camera in a safe spot, grabbed my flashlight and proceeded down the would-be tomb of Moo Moo Mr. Cow. Alas! Moo Moo Mr. Cow is once again raised to safety!

After taking Mr. Cow inside (of course, hiding him from Mr. Moose the Mastiff for the grand finale), giving Mr. Cow a complete bath with very hot water and a good lathering of soap, Moo Moo Mr. Cow and Mr. Moose the Mastiff were once again reunited. Despite the appearance in the picture, Mr. Moose was very excited about the reunion.

I suspect Moo Moo Mr. Cow will not be making any further outdoor appearances.

The things we do for Mr. Moose the Mastiff.