On my birthday Moose was surprised with a gift too!!! Granny B and Aunt Alicia sent him a gift card to go SHOPPING at PetCo! We've been waiting for the perfect time to go and last night was the night! Enjoy our little adventure with us.

Here we are getting ready to leave. Moose was so eager to go shopping that he nearly missed the ramp on his way in the Jeep. Luckily, he made it in just fine. Close call though :)

Can't you just see the EXCITEMENT on his face!! Look at how that tongue hangs out?! That is a sure sign that Moose is excited for what is about the happen.

Here is our classic picture of Brad walking Moose. This one is a little harder to tell if he has grown or not... but that was the original idea. I think that the photograph did a bad job. Maybe we should hire a new one?? Again, notice that the tongue is hanging out... pure excitement!!

We found a winner!! He LOVED this ball. It is basically a giant tennis ball that barely fits in his mouth. He was playing with it while we were still in the store. We figured that was a good sign. The silly photographer was struggling to get a good action shot in the store- I blame the store lighting. Not quite a studio setting.
I don't have a good picture of the delicious treats Moose also got yesterday, but you can see them online by clicking here-
Old Mother Hubbard Dog Treats. He loves these and was running low. He was really concerned that his parents were going to let him run out. So he decided that a new bag would be YUM-O!

We stopped to take a quick look at the creepy reptiles... I didn't stay around long. Moose was anxious to keep moving too. We did see a little Boa there- they aren't even cute to me when they are tiny.

We found a friend to play with and practice our manners. Moose did great! He sat there and let the other dog sniff and get to know him. I think that they would have loved to played ball together. But the slick floor made it a little difficult. Yes, I know that this pictures is VERY blurry.

And here is our very happy dog on he way home. He couldn't wait to get home and play with his new toy. It barely fits in his mouth and he struggles picking it up at times. It is very entertaining for us to watch and it keeps him occupied because it bounces off in different directions. I think that this one will be around for awhile.
Thanks Granny B & Aunt Alicia!!!
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