Summer has proven to be very busy for us so far. We can't believe that July is sneaking quickly up on us. With the summer comes the summer Georgia heat. Which in Moose terms means, 'please don't make me go outside again!' We took him to training last weekend and it is a good thing that it is only 1 hour- if it has been much more we probably would of had to have left early. By the end of the hour session he slowly walked over to lay beneath a tree to get in the shade. Once we were home he ended up sleeping the remainder of the day away. Poor little fellow was exhausted from all of the high energy exercise. haha.

I think that this was our first attempt at capturing his 'thinking cap' look. :)
Here is the famous ramp that Brad built and Moose loves. We were practicing with him so that he would be familiar with it on the trip to Missouri. He did GREAT!While we were in Missouri we got some help on a few Jeep projects. Its a great thing that Mr. Muscles was around to help us out on the swing out tire carry install. I don't know if the guys would have made it without his powerful touch. Thanks Mr. Muscles!
Moose, Brad and Biggie. Our Friend Elizabeth was dog siting a few months ago and brought Biggie over to play. I was able to see what an active dog was like. She was so so sweet though. A very loving dog. Horrible name, but very lovable dog.
We cleaned our carpets a few weeks ago and confirmed the fact that Moose is not interested in change to his surroundings. He was quite disturbed by us moving everything out of the living/dining room. That included moving his pen outside!
This isn't a great picture, I know. But if you look closely at the orange thing in his mouth you will notice one of his new chew toys- a pacifier :) Thanks Granny B! At home, he will swing his head with this in his mouth and it sometimes goes flying. Both Brad and I have been hit by this 'toy' more than once. It packs a pretty powerful punch!
A Little Sunday Morning Tug of war was in order while visiting our family in Missouri. Moose got more play time in during the short visit than he normal does in a month!
And lastly... a picture of our first tomato of the season. It is much bigger now, but this was the shot we got the first morning we noticed it. Can't wait to eat a fresh picked tomato!
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