Saturday, March 14, 2009
Obedience Training Paying Off!
It may not look like it in this picture, but this is a very difficult task for a dog to do. Try getting your dog to stay still like this for a picture. hehe.
We didn't make it to training class this weekend because it was raining, but check out his progress :-) We'll be back this Saturday and we should have a story or two to share.
Here is Moose demonstrating his ability to sit when asked. He is actually doing well with this and will even sit in a busy area. He may not stay seated, but he still understands the basic command. One step at a time.
Next we'll show you down! He just starting to understand that command. He will try anything for a treat! He loves the peanut butter ones.
Did I mention that he has put on 5 lbs in the last 10 days?
Play Time with Moose
Play Time with Moose
And here he is eating some of his delicious food. He really does seem to like it overall. When I add in one of his vitamin supplements, it's like a gravy, he always licks the bowl clean. He loves his Nupro- and luckily it was FREE!! They provided us with samples to get him started to just see if he liked it. It actually smells like it taste good too! No, I haven't tried it. He likes to join us when we eat dinner in front of the tv. He doesn't eat off of our plates or anything, but he is very curious as to what is there and why we are not sharing.
Moose Meets Aunt Perian!
After a few small incidents of pooing on the floor, sliding off of the bench several times, a few close encounters with strollers, and finishing off with a quick tinkle on the floor- we were politely asked to leave by a security guard. :) It was perfect timing as we were heading out any ways.
Moose was really great with all of the people that he met and seemed to quickly take up with Aunt Perian. We had a great time visiting and catching up while we were permitted in the mall.
Besides the bathroom accidents I was really proud at how well he did. You can't help but love this little guy!
The Beast Rolls!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Our Weekend
Thursday, Brad's first night working late, Moose was very needy. He wanted all of my attention and was not happy when I was doing any other simple task such as talking on the phone or reading a book. He wanted all of me.
Friday night he seemed mopy and little withdrawn. He not as eager to play ball with me, but did seem to want to be with me for the most part. When Brad got home that night Moose heard the garage door open and he perked up. Literally, he was laying on the floor near me- his moves to a seated position (this is a TON of action for Moose- seriously), and he started to act excited. It was so cute. After a little waiting for Brad to walk in the door Moose let out a sigh of relief- life was back to normal for Mr. Moose if only for a brief moment. :-)
Saturday was a BIG day for Moose. Not only did he have to deal with Brad being gone, but we had our first puppy training class. He did great there! He is doing really well with 'Come' and 'Sit'. He is really motivated by treats, so as a reward for good training he always gets a treat.
The training was about one hour long. I spent about 45 min talking with the trainer about what to do and what not to do with Moose. How to look for ear aches, signs of dehydration & check for good blood flow. I also learned that it is good to frequently touch his paws & my favorite, that we need to hug Moose :-). After that we spent about five min talking about training and how it works- that repetition is key as well as keeping the sessions short and fun for Moose. And then the remaining 10 min Alex, the trainer and I went over commands 'Come' and 'Sit'. While Moose did very well and seemed to enjoy training, when I left I had to ask myself, was that puppy training or owner training?
We then went home for a quick puppy nap before we took a trip to meet Brad and some of his friends down at the show. He did great for us while we were there. He and Brad even went for a quick run in an open field together. Moose is SO cute to watch running. But he is still very clumsy as he proved when I called him over to me. He was still very excited about his run with Dad that he continued to run towards me. The problem with that was that I was on a platform about one foot off of the ground. He tried to run and jump up on the platform to see me... but it was more like a run and crash. I felt horrible! But it was kind of cute to see him try something new.
After arriving home around 6:30 Moose tried his best to stay awake for a little while, but finally collapsed around 7:15. He slept until Brad got home around 10:00 and didn't complain when we put him to bed that night.
Sunday he was so tuckered out from the full day of activity on Saturday that he spent the ENTIRE day recovering. At first I thought that he might be sick because he would not do anything but sleep. But then I figured that he was just worn out and needed his puppy sleep. He even found a new place outside to nap in the sun so he could enjoy the beautiful day. Such a great way to multi-task. What a smart dog!
Friday, March 6, 2009
Same Personality?
General observations:
- He doesn't like to change his schedule. Once it is set, he is happy to keep it that way. That is identical to me- Becky.
- He is very resistant to change, if he is inside the house- let's stay inside the house. If we are outside- why go inside? Just getting him to cross over the threshold to the new place is sometimes a challenge, but once he is there, he loves it! This is Brad.
- He groans and snores. It is so cute right now. We just chuckle when he does it. It is still soft enough that we can still watch tv or speak over it without interruption, but who knows how that will be when he puts on another 100+ lbs. I'll let you try to decide which one of us does this on a more regular basis. hehe
- He gets cranky at the end of a long day when he hasn't had enough rest or has been out of his routine. That is especially true with me, but also some with Brad. I think that Brad is better at faking his good mood than Moose or I are.
- He loves to be with us. For the most part he is content to be in the same room with us. He likes to just be a part of the family. Brad and I both are like this. We enjoy just being together and doing life with each other.
- He is easily distracted. Again, you can decided on which one of us this applies to. :-)
On a side note- how is it possible that I still shed more than a dog?? I'm not complaining. This helps me keep the house clean and not feeling like we are living in a dog's house. But really, me more than a dog? ho hum. Can't have everything I guess.
Should we expect him to continue to become more like us? Hopefully not with the shedding.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Week of Firsts
It’s been a full week of FIRSTS for me as an adult. I never knew what my parents really went through every time I begged them to get us a new puppy. I think that we had about 4 growing up, but I’m sure someone else in the family will disagree with me- I have a terrible memory about those things. Any ways- house training, finding the right dog food, jeep riding, medicine giving, general training, rearranging our house and our schedule! I think that is just the beginning of the things that Brad and I have been going through since we brought Moose home to us. But we love it, and love him. He is really a great dog and we are having lots of fun with him.
So let me begin sharing some of our firsts with you.
We had our first outing together to Petsmart! Moose was a little timid at times with very hyper, barking dogs- but found plenty of nice people and puppies to make friends with. Here is Moose with Brad walking heading in the store. He did great! We were very proud.
We try to daily take a walk around our small subdivision to help with leash and obedience training. We know that he will be growing quickly and strong training is key. He is improving a lot each time we head out doors. Of course, he still loves to sniff out every rock or leaf in the area. He is still a puppy- even though he is already bigger than any dog that I've ever had. :-)
Saturday we took at trip to a local Tractor Supply Store, TC Country to find good quality food for the new member of our family. He was amazing! He walked around the store like a champ.
After several less than desirable trip in the Jeep we were concerned that our little guy just might get car sick. However, he did great on Saturday and Sunday. I think that he is finally settling in to his new family.
Let it Snow, let is snow, let it snow!!! We got snow in Georgia on Sunday! What a treat. We were able to enjoy it for a little bit while it lasted. He enjoyed playing around and especially eating the snow. But doesn't everyone love to eat snow? At least once when you were a kid?
Yesterday we had our first Vet visit. I was pleased with the vet and the team that we met with. Dr. Land has previously owned Mastiffs as well as another assistant there so they are familiar with the breed and the special needs they might have. They allowed me to ask tons of questions as a new mastiff owner and I felt good about the team there when I left. In fact, we had to go back in because we forgot something and Moose didn't hesitate- he walked right back in with me without question. That made me feel good about the choice of vet.
So that's all for now. We love having the new addition in our family and hope that you enjoy hearing about our experiences.